Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Heather Thomas, featured July 25 at Midtown Scholar Bookstore

A fine experimental poet, Heather Thomas writes books that flash in your mind.
She has a visionary imagination and the technical brilliance to show it forth in startling imagery.
She's been published in numerous literary journals. Her latest tome, Vortex Street, was published by FutureCycle Press in 2018.

In an earlier collection of poems, Blue Ruby, FootHills Press, Thomas, coming soon to the Poetry Thursdays' reading series in Harrisburg, weaves together themes from her own life with critical events in the contemporary world.
“Blue Ruby,” the title poem, incises the rebirth of the body after a long silence. Thomas handles metaphors of fire and blood succinctly in a one-sentence poem:

Blue Ruby

when the blue flame
of buried feeling breaks
the prison of red glass
the glass my father drank from
in that burning, in that breaking
of what must be broken
what must burn
the blue ruby forms
from blood when it touches the air
from the body when it is born.

The Almost Uptown Poetry Cartel, hosts, Poetry Thursdays, a long-running reading series which takes place weekly at the Midtown Scholar Bookstore, 1302 N. Third Street, Harrisburg. 717.236.1680.
Events are co-sponsored by the Cartel and the bookstore.
Literary festivities begin at 7pm and run until 9. Everything's waiting for you.

Coming in August (15th), Le Hinton.
See, hear Carla Chistopher as Autumn
leaves start to fall. In October, Third
Annual Poet's Cruise.