Thursday, February 28, 2019

February 28, open mic, midtown scholar

This week, February 28, there's an open mic to 
celebrate the end of one month and the beginning 
of another. Close out February right! Step up. 
Stop by, read your verse. Or mebbe a fave poem 
that first inspired you to read or write poetry. 

Share it. Own it. Do it.
Poetry Thursdays is hosted by the Almost Uptown Poetry Cartel every week at the Midtown Scholar Bookstore, 1302 N. 3rd St. 17102. 7-- 9pm

Thursday, February 21, 2019

Open mic, tonight-- poetry reading, February 21. Yeah!

Midtown. The sun is shining, the roads are open, and hey, there's an open mic, tonight-- February 21. Yeah!
Poetry Thursdays, a gig for all seasons, happening at the Midtown Scholar, just across the street from the Market House on Third. Lotta parking by the market.
This event is hosted by the Almost Uptown Poetry Cartel.
No sign-up sheet, it's all Quaker style. Perform, declaim as the spirit moves you, or stare out the window. It's all good.
But, listen: everything’s waiting for you. Doors open at 6:45 pm. Seating is limited. Midtown Scholar Bookstore. 1302 N. 3rd Street, 17102. For more information, (717) 236-1680.

Thursday, February 14, 2019

Tonight: Open mic, Valentine verse, or not.

Tonight's the night. Open mic, Valentine verse, or not. Your call.
Remember, Midtown Scholar, Almost Uptown Poetry Cartel.

Doors open at 6:45pm. 1302 N. Third. Don't forget!