AFTER the AUGHTS, Worte und Musik, Marty Esworthy.
Truly a requirement for any modern aesthete's library. --Kyle R. Burton
Marty Esworthy, a leading advocate for sound poetry and meta-verse. Esworthy, a Megaera award- winning poet, editor emeritus of Steel Point Quarterly, renowned poetry impresario and founder of the Almost Uptown Poetry Cartel.
He’s been published in numerous regional and national publications, including Haggard & Halloo, text_TOWER, Literary Chaos, Fledgling Rag, The Fox Chase Review , logodaedalus, Syzygy, The International Digest of World Poetry, and The Miserere Review.
Recent Esworthy tomes include hard reality, Pacobooks, 2004, and The Object Stares Back, Uh-Oh!, T&T Press, 2009.
His collection Twenty-Six Javanese Proverbs won the 2006 R.E.Foundation Award for Outstanding Poetry from Iris G. Press in 2006. And, of course, his ground-breaking After the Aughts, Lost Alphabet, 2018.
In 2006, Esworthy set in motion A Poets’ Tour of Harrisburg, a poetic stroll through the Capital City, impressed for posterity in a book and on a CD.
A recent Pushcart nominee, he also teaches poetry composition and literary performance.
A cascade of world lyrics, AFTER the AUGHTS is a bright, genius-written, visually stunning Holiday book-choice, resoundingly acclaimed by aficionados as "best new verse collection of 2018!"
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