Thursday, September 5, 2019

Poetry Thursdays, Open Mic, September 5th

"Vrooom! Poetry with Verve".  Photo credit: Marty Esworthy

Vrooom! Poetry with Verve

Open mic: c'mon out-- declaim like it matters!

Third Street. Poetry Thursdays, September 5th.
Listen to passionate versifying or jump in & perform
your own work, or cover your favorite poets. 

Don't put it off, it's September, everything's waiting for you.
This event's hosted by the Almost Uptown Poetry Cartel
at Midtown Scholar Bookstore. (717)236-1680.


There will be two other open poetry readings this month:
September 12th and the 18th.

On September 26,
former York poet laureate, Carla Christopher,
(shown here, left)
will be our featured performer.

A brief open reading will precede Christopher's performance.


Poetry Thursdays, Open Mic, September 5th

photo credit: Marty Esworthy

Poetry Thursdays, Open Mic, September 5th

photo credit: Marty Esworthy

Poetry Thursdays, Open Mic, September 5th

photo credit: Marty Esworthy

Thursday, August 29, 2019



There'll be an open reading at the Midtown Scholar Bookstore, August 29.
It's all happening at 1302 N. Third Street in Harrisburg’s vibrant Midtown district.
Last week we had a sensational crowd. Le Hinton was featured,
his reading was compelling.
Poetry Thursday's legendary poetry series has been going on for
twenty years in various locations. From venue to venue there's always been poetry every Thursday.

September is nigh. The world changes, the days dwindle down to a precious few. Always, there's poetry on Thursday evenings.
Count on it.

This event is hosted by the Almost Uptown Poetry Cartel.

Every Thursday-- poetry for all, everything's waiting for you.



Carla Christopher will be our featured performer in September.
September 26 if you're counting.


Wednesday, August 7, 2019

August Activities, Poetry Thursdays, open mics, & the fabulous Le Hinton

AUGUST 2019-- Almost Uptown Poetry Cartel: Poetry Thursdays

Le Hinton, August 15, 2019 • 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
The Midtown Scholar, 1302 3rd St. Harrisburg

There will be a brief
open mic prior to
Hinton's performance.


Le Hinton, special guest.
Le Hinton, founder, Iris G. Press
The poet, publisher, and literary impresario will be featured August 15 at Poetry Thursdays, hosted by the Almost Uptown Poetry Cartel at Harrisburg's Midtown Scholar. 7pm. 1302 N 3rd St, Harrisburg, PA 17102.

An open reading will precede the
feature presentation. Two open mics will round out Poetry Thursdays' August events.

In September, Carla Christopher will be featured, and on October first, Maria James-Thiaw will be featured on the mighty Susquehanna. She'll be
performing live on a riverboat,
The Pride of the Susquehanna,
without a net!
Watch this space for details.

(The Poetry Cartel also has a facebook page
where information abounds. "Everything old
is new again. The world turns & turns."
--Marty Esworthy)


Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Heather Thomas, featured July 25 at Midtown Scholar Bookstore

A fine experimental poet, Heather Thomas writes books that flash in your mind.
She has a visionary imagination and the technical brilliance to show it forth in startling imagery.
She's been published in numerous literary journals. Her latest tome, Vortex Street, was published by FutureCycle Press in 2018.

In an earlier collection of poems, Blue Ruby, FootHills Press, Thomas, coming soon to the Poetry Thursdays' reading series in Harrisburg, weaves together themes from her own life with critical events in the contemporary world.
“Blue Ruby,” the title poem, incises the rebirth of the body after a long silence. Thomas handles metaphors of fire and blood succinctly in a one-sentence poem:

Blue Ruby

when the blue flame
of buried feeling breaks
the prison of red glass
the glass my father drank from
in that burning, in that breaking
of what must be broken
what must burn
the blue ruby forms
from blood when it touches the air
from the body when it is born.

The Almost Uptown Poetry Cartel, hosts, Poetry Thursdays, a long-running reading series which takes place weekly at the Midtown Scholar Bookstore, 1302 N. Third Street, Harrisburg. 717.236.1680.
Events are co-sponsored by the Cartel and the bookstore.
Literary festivities begin at 7pm and run until 9. Everything's waiting for you.

Coming in August (15th), Le Hinton.
See, hear Carla Chistopher as Autumn
leaves start to fall. In October, Third
Annual Poet's Cruise.

Thursday, June 27, 2019

Open mic, poetry cartel, midtown scholar, Farewell to June.

June 27-- tonight's the night-- Poetry Thursdays' close-out open mic
for the end of June. Last week's gig was great. Spicy, Brown.
Hot. Why not croon one more verse before the 4th of July?
Everything's waiting for you. Midtown Scholar, 7 to 9pm.

Saturday, June 1, 2019

On Walt Whitman's Birthday

"I believe a leaf of grass is no less than the journey work of the stars,
And the pismire is equally perfect, and a grain of sand, and the egg
of the wren,
And the tree-toad is a chef-d'oeuvre for the highest,
And the running blackberry would adorn the parlors of heaven,
And the narrowest hinge in my hand puts to scorn all machinery,
And the cow crunching with depress'd head surpasses any statue,
And a mouse is miracle enough to stagger sextillions of infidels."

an excerpt from Song of Myself
--Walt Whitman (May 31, 1819–March 26, 1892).

Whitman bicentennial events about. On June 13 at 8:03pm, Harrisburg poets plan to
"Walk Like Walt" through midtown. The staging area will be at Third & Verbeke, southside,
Poetry Cartel members will advise and counsel.


W.B. Keckler on Whitman: 
"Free verse personified. What can be said or confessed fast-forwarded a century or so. 
The ability to warp language so perfectly that 'I sing the body electric' sounds like 
perfectly fine English, and not even stilted.... visionary."


Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Poetry Thursdays-- Reading/open mic, May 16, at the Midtown Scholar

Poetry Thursdays-- there'll be a reading/open mic on May 16, featuring Norwegian poetry, in conjunction with our annual Syttende Mai celebration. Numerous poems and songs will be presented.
Like the work of Finn Strømsted, a renowned Norwegian poet and graphical artist who made his literary debut in 1956 with the poetry collection Angelicafløyten. Among his other collections are Bidevind, 1961, and, of course, Susquehanna Blues, a 1971 tome.

There will also be an open poetry reading on May 24. No theme.

Rick Kearns, for May 30, has pulled together a gathering of local poets laureate reading on matters of social injustice. Midtown Scholar, (717) 236-1680. Kearns is Harrisburg's current poet laureate.

All events take place at the Almost Uptown Poetry Cartel's Poetry Thursdays, an ongoing poetry performance series. Events are held at Midtown Scholar Bookstore in Harrisburg. (717) 236-1680.

Monday, May 6, 2019

Syttende Mai and Norwegian Poetry

Syttende Mai (or the 17th of May) marks Norway’s declaration of independence and is a celebration of the 1814 signing of Norway’s constitution and independence from Sweden.

The Almost Uptown Poetry Cartel will
honor Syttende Mai with a reading of
Norwegian verse May 16, 2019 at
its weekly poetry reading series, Poetry
Thursdays, at the Midtown Scholar Bookstore.
(Syttende Mai, pronounced Soot-n-duh My.)

Modernism and Women in post-war Norwegian Poetry
Marie Ragnhild Takvam
Astrid Tollefsen, Tove Lie
Jorunn Aanderaa, Liv Holtskog
Magli Elster, Kate Næss
Astrid Hjertenæs Andersen
Marit Tusvik

"Mother's good advice" 

And not put 
peas in the nose 
while I'm gone! 
said our mother and went 

We never had that 
thought of before, then 
We did 

"Mother's good advice" by Marit Tusvik: Between sun and moon. The Norwegian Sami Collection 1984. Tusvik has written ten books for children, most of them with their own illustrations.

Thursday, May 2, 2019

Open mic/ poetry reading May 2 at the Midtown Scholar

Poetry Thursdays: It's May, Boola, boola! 
There will be an open mic/ poetry reading May 2 at the Midtown Scholar Bookstore hosted by the Almost Uptown Poetry Cartel. 

Open mic next week (May 9).
And, on May 16, 
the verse of Sweden 
and Norway will be honored.

" is only by selection, by elimination, and by emphasis that we get at the real meaning of things." --Georgia O'Keeffe.

Poetry Thursdays, long-running weekly series, 7 to 9 pm, every week, takes place at Midtown Scholar Bookstore, located at 1302 North Third Street, Harrisburg, PA 17102. For more information call 717.236.1680, or

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Open Mic, 25 April Poetry Thursdays at Midtown Scholar

Thursday, April 18, 2019

April 18, open mic poetry at Midtown Scholar Bookstore

Tonight, April 17,

an epic open mic poetry event
at the Midtown Scholar Bookstore,
hosted by the Almost Uptown Poetry Cartel, 7--9pm.

Poetry Thursdays, the legendary spoken word performance series
continuing a journey which began long and long ago...
René and Georgette Magritte with their dog after the war,
Tonight, maybe you, sharing your prose or verse.
Your softest murmur more profound than a provocation of angry tiled honeybees.

Hey-- everything’s waiting for you,
Midtown Scholar Bookstore: 1302 North Third Street.  717.236.1680



1. Incidentally, there is a turnpike stop just outside Mezhdurechensk Exit 253 and a roadside town on the isthmus between the Conodoguinet and Manatee rivers that boasts a very hip fish market, Tombolo's. It's just behind Howard Johnson's, where sinuous women, wearing KÜHL® Sun Dagger hats, gaily hawk dried perch, grayling, bream, and burbot.

2. Adjacent to the condiment section, there's a dynamic statue of Cece, the April Witch, carved out of pure anthracite. It 's a fun market that you really don't want to miss.
   Turnpike authorities insist there are no plans to close the border along the narrow isthmus connecting Lewisburg with the Selinsgrove lowlands. Cork, old chap. 
The sunsets both here and there are incredible. Unedited. Uncut. All Isthmus. All Isthmus.



Thursday, March 28, 2019

March 28, Open Mic, Poetry Thursdays, a weekly poetry series

An open mic closes out our March readings. April is gonna be a blast!

Poetry Thursdays is a weekly poetry series produced and directed by the Almost Uptown Poetry Cartel at the Midtown Scholar Bookstore, 1302 N. 3rd St. 17102. For more information (717) 236-1680.

Thursday, March 14, 2019

Open mic-- March 14 at Harrisburg's Midtown Scholar Bookstore

Open mic-- LIVE, in living color-- March 14
 at Harrisburg's Midtown Scholar Bookstore!

You know how it works. Poetry Thursdays, legendary reading series happens
every Thursday evening, 7--9pm at the Midtown Scholar.
There's always an open mic, no hassles, no sign-up sheet.
Most nights consist of two hours of performing mania.

On nights when there's a featured reader there's still an abbreviated (forty-five minute) open reading. Seating is limited.
Come early, read fast and hard (there's actually no problem with quiet, contemplative verse, I'm just trying to make this sound exciting).
High-decibel or gentle poetry, it's all good. Bless our stage with your presence, your voice. Yeah! Share your song with others.
Why not? Everything's waiting for you.

Poetry-Readings, Midtown Scholar Bookstore,
Every Thursday, hosted by the Almost Uptown
Poetry Cartel, hey, it's Women's History Month. Listen, share. Declaim.

The Scholar is located right across from the Broad Street Market. 1302 N. 3rd St. 17102. 7-- 9pm. (717) 236-1680.

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Open mic, Poetry cartel, March 7, new beginnings


                      Huzza-huzza! The Almost Uptown Poetry Cartel will be hosting its 
                      weekly wiz-bang-zowie open mic from 7 to 9pm on March 7 in our 
                      traditional Poetry Thursdays meeting room at the Midtown Scholar.
And it's a brand new ballgame! It's Women's History Month, so what's
next for third-wave feminism as it relates to poetry? Maybe strong, bold
women declaiming new ideas in verse for a new world order. 

For a new world order-- singing hope and pride for women/female 
identified people to take heart-- to be both powerful, more articulate and tender.
For poetry readings to look and sound more congressional in tone and verve.


                                          Read or listen, all are welcome.  
                                   The Midtown Scholar Bookstore, 
                         1302 N. Third St. Harrisburg PA, 

                                                                                                     Phone: 717.236.1680.

Thursday, February 28, 2019

February 28, open mic, midtown scholar

This week, February 28, there's an open mic to 
celebrate the end of one month and the beginning 
of another. Close out February right! Step up. 
Stop by, read your verse. Or mebbe a fave poem 
that first inspired you to read or write poetry. 

Share it. Own it. Do it.
Poetry Thursdays is hosted by the Almost Uptown Poetry Cartel every week at the Midtown Scholar Bookstore, 1302 N. 3rd St. 17102. 7-- 9pm

Thursday, February 21, 2019

Open mic, tonight-- poetry reading, February 21. Yeah!

Midtown. The sun is shining, the roads are open, and hey, there's an open mic, tonight-- February 21. Yeah!
Poetry Thursdays, a gig for all seasons, happening at the Midtown Scholar, just across the street from the Market House on Third. Lotta parking by the market.
This event is hosted by the Almost Uptown Poetry Cartel.
No sign-up sheet, it's all Quaker style. Perform, declaim as the spirit moves you, or stare out the window. It's all good.
But, listen: everything’s waiting for you. Doors open at 6:45 pm. Seating is limited. Midtown Scholar Bookstore. 1302 N. 3rd Street, 17102. For more information, (717) 236-1680.

Thursday, February 14, 2019

Tonight: Open mic, Valentine verse, or not.

Tonight's the night. Open mic, Valentine verse, or not. Your call.
Remember, Midtown Scholar, Almost Uptown Poetry Cartel.

Doors open at 6:45pm. 1302 N. Third. Don't forget!

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Thinking of Ng, a Steelton performance, May 2, 2001

The only promoted tangible episode of "Thinkin' bout Ng" (a 5-year-long [1998-2003]
performance-art piece) took place at this Steelton poetry event. Esworthy and
O'Leary-Rockey, seated, spoke by cassette-taped transcription-- i.e. no lips were
moved-- simulating thought transmission. Esworthy and O'Leary-Rockey
were seated in the audience. The rest of the audience had absolutely no clue
as to what was going on. But it did go on. In that regard, it was quite successful.

Thursday, January 10, 2019

Jack Benny and You, Peppers-- You! Mein Twofer.


Jack Benny Remembers Tides; I Remember You

There is a tide in the affairs of men, women, and children.

A flood too, Rolling like wildfire across the plains.
Across Nebraska. Yes, across, it is.
And a comma after women.

Flash, BAM! Alakazam,
indeed. Through the states
the systems roar, sez Al Roker
& others of ilk.

Across the wide Missouri. Yes, the.
No one unleashes the soaring, heroic power and
poetic potential of the violin more profoundly than Brahms.


Astronomy, the Sweetest Pepper

Asteroids are of no danger to the pure of heart.

They fall, benign as snowflakes into rivers, lakes and swimming holes.
Great, deep, unendingly brutish holes near and far, and high above
the frayed nerves of speech therapists in love.
Everywhere, devil-may-care love, love.

Love. It's all good. More pathetic than Shelley,
more minuscule than a mite, right?

Luck, be degrading tonight: more powerful than sparklers,  metaphysical
locoweed, or the truly needy. More trivial than, say, Halston, or unbranded
cattle. Hush, listen: they're lowing as we speak.

  ***   **  *   ***  **  *  ***   **  *   ***  **  *

Hush, Lowing in Progress. Hush, knowing no shame or fear. Gentle.
Oblivious. More boric than acid-washed jeans.

More brazen than Finger Lakes. Buoyant as a child's lost balloon,
the Adirondack Mountains are still growing, yeah,
maybe a foot taller every 100 years.

Faster than the Himalayas in Asia. Stronger than Al Hirt.
Trippier than a kaleidoscope in a strobe-lit cellar. Yes.

More hip, even, than Tony Strupchevsky, buried in my purple yearbook,
buried in my purple yearbook, lo these many, many years.
