Saturday, October 19, 2013

Ivonne: El Vanguardismo de Luis Palés Matos en su poemario...

Ivonne: El Vanguardismo de Luis Palés Matos en su poemario...: Luis Palés Matos (1898- 1959) en su poemario “Tuntún de pasa y grifería”. Encontró una fuente de inspiración en las costumbres tradicionales...

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Penny Whistles, Muffins Mean Cookies Crumble

Penny whistles the old chestnut, Lily Marlene, roasting by an open fire. Every spectator is duplicious, you can trust only pastry. I might have meant taste. If tune is pure frivolity, then we become human when toasting our pleasure.

If only I hadn't lost my NURNBURG cap. If only, if only....
Did I mentions that Penny was whistling Lily Marlene?

Now, broken cookies are placed in only a few true mouths, about which the fabric of the heart can only wish, long for and adore. But even after a tiny amount of shards, or when, or even if, or, or-- I mean, I mean cookies crumble. Or maybe re-placed in only a few months, that might tilt the Earth's orbit in a slightly different direction.

But rotation would remain constant.

Moi? I'm as constant as the Northern star. Would I were as steadfast. Yeah, would I were.

Kuji is located in far north-eastern Iwate Prefecture, bordered by the Pacific Ocean to the east and, like, you know, the Kitakami Mountains to the west.


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Listen, a muffin display case doesn’t change in any way how you shared madeleines in the past, nor your febrile attempts to control who you want to share things in the future. Kuji was just a fling.

C'mon, don’t be sad. I mean, we'll always have Paris. Right, muffin?

Friday, August 2, 2013

of la-la & lu-lu...
They Said You Were High-Class… Sure, there used to be nine planets. But, from the time of them Katzenjammer Kids to post-millennial La-La & Lu-Lu, demographics were considered to be the work of the fulcrum. According to Francis E. Barcus, writing in 1958, 78 percent of the comics’ population is [was] male. But, or however (that’s how I roll), sez Barcus, “whilst the bachelor adventurer is [was] master of any situation, the married man tends [tended] to be ruled by his wife.” Love is where you find it. Characters in Barcus’ research-riff-ology, he concluded, were apt to be “either low or middle class.” Tender is the night. …that was just a line! Time has come/ today. Ol' Harvey Pekar would be jealous if he were live enough to give a shit anymore (not that he ever really did). La-La & Lu-Lu smacks of a David Lynch rip-off, but, hey-- you know-- in a good way. L'amor che move il sole e l'altre stelle. So where’s Pluto now? Man, Brain Tumor Comix could give a shiver of sharks the proverbial heebie-jeebies. Know I’m sayin’? Listen up, when F. E. Barcus said “[about] 78 percent…is [was]…” what precisely did he mean by “about”? And, just what, indeed, might we learn from the Lynchian La-La & Lu-Lu? I mean, we can learn much from Mary Worth/ if our hearts are pure. And, hey, you got-ta have heart. According to the Code of the Comics superhero costumes should be clean, though not impeccably so, so, comically speaking, there’s always room for variety in terms of apparel and general accoutrement. Verily. True dat! Summing up, Scott McCloud once inferred, say some, that/ to conclude is the final refuge of “the weak-minded,” which prompted debate over many of McCloud’s conclusions, most specifically, the outmoded concept of closure between panels. Wake up and smell the benzene, it's no longer alpha and your father’s Oldsmobile. Nono no. In this regard/ the currents turn awry, pardon my Elizabethan, and lose the name of action. I think Krazy Kat said it best-- wait, if you don’t mind, never mind. Rilly, never mind. I mean, truly... it’s not so much what he said/ but how he said it. Crazy, man, crazy. --Bloo Rockit